CTR: the cake that love built

This weekend my nephew is getting baptized. In our church we do that at age 8. So he being older than a baby, requested I make him a CTR shield cake. How could I turn him down? I made one for my other nephew and it seems that this cake might become a tradition. But who knows, 2 cakes does not a pattern make.

In out church CTR stand for Choose The Right. There is this whole armour of God thing in Corinthians and I think that is where the shield idea came from but I am only speculating.

It looks something like this.

This just in… the history behind the symbol. Turn out I was wrong…again. Anyway I digress. So here is a shot if the cake I made a year and a half ago. I like to call it: Quick take a picture before it gets eaten


Here is the one for tomorrow. Its the same sort of idea, just altered a bit.


You will notice that both cakes have a different shape for the shield. There is a good reason for that. I don’t like to waste cake. The “metallic sheen” comes from lustre dust mixed with lemon juice. I used both silver and gold. The rivets  are made by using a #3 piping tip, just in case you ever need to make a rivet. This decorating took longer than normal, as my first batch of marshmallow fondant that I swear by, decided to crumble on me. So I had to toss it out. I made a second batch and significantly reduced the amount of sugar but it was still cracking. Not cool. So if Laura comes on here and sees this she will know it wasn’t just her.  I think the air might be unusually dry right now. Whatever, my old standby is crumby, at least this time. I managed to cover it up mostly. At least it’s done. Now doesn’t that sound like love.


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